Fire Damage, Phoenix, AZ

Reclaim your home from the flames.

After a house fire, nothing matters except getting your house back. You won’t have to worry about repairing the fire damage once you’ve called us at Acuity Builders & Construction Inc. We’ll remove the mess left by the blaze, make sure your house is structurally sound, and restore your home to its original condition. With our help, you can look forward to getting your home in Phoenix, Arizona back ASAP.

Fire Damage in Phoenix, Arizona

If you’ve recently experienced a house fire, the state of your home may be in question. We have the skills and experience to make sure your home will be as good as new. Our fire damage restoration services include:

  • Framing
  • Roofing
  • Drywall work
  • Attic insulation
  • AC replacement
  • Ductwork
  • Painting
  • Flooring

We also work with all major insurance companies, so you can count on us to help you navigate the process and make sure you get the coverage you need to pay for fire damage restoration. We know how frustrating and confusing insurance can be, so we’ll do our best to eliminate your stress when we help you with this matter.

It’s important to address fire damage sooner rather than later for several reasons. First, fire damage can weaken the structural integrity of your home, making it unstable and unsafe. There are also electrical and gas concerns to think about, plus the fact that smoke and soot can penetrate further into the walls the longer you leave them unaddressed.

Experience Contractor Who Cares

Contact us today to schedule fire damage restoration for your home.

At Acuity Builders & Construction Inc, we offer fire damage repair and restoration services in Phoenix, Arizona.


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Fire Damage Restoration

Rely on our fire damage restoration professionals for prompt assistance. If your family has recently experienced a house fire, we understand that your top priority...
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